Incentive Travel Transylvania


Transylvania is one of the most popular regions in Eastern Europe due to its uniqueness, beautiful sights and untamed lands. Tightly bound with the Legend of Dracula, Transylvania has so much more to offer. While a big part of it surrounds the Carpathian Mountains, the region is full of Medieval Cities that mark the incredible history of the country, such as Brasov, Sighisoara and Bran (the place where the Dracula's Castle is located).
The medieval cities in this area and the impressive castles and fortresses immediately suggest the authenticity of this area, while the incredible sights together with the unique local food will complete the whole experience.

Transylvania is one of the most popular regions in Eastern Europe due to its uniqueness, beautiful sights and untamed lands. Tightly bound with the Legend of Dracula, Transylvania has so much more to offer. While a big part of it surrounds the Carpathian Mountains, the region is full of Medieval Cities that mark the incredible history of the country, …

Check out the possibilities below for your next incentive travel and contact us for a personalized quote.



Transylvania is one of the most popular regions in Eastern Europe due to its uniqueness, beautiful sights and untamed lands. Tightly bound with the Legend of Dracula, Transylvania has so much more to offer. While a big part of it surrounds the Carpathian Mountains, the region is full of Medieval Cities that mark the incredible history of the country, such as Brasov, Sighisoara and Bran (the place where the Dracula's Castle is located).
The medieval cities in this area and the impressive castles and fortresses immediately suggest the authenticity of this area, while the incredible sights together with the unique local food will complete the whole experience.

Check out the possibilities below for your next incentive travel and contact us for a personalized quote.

Incentive Trip Brasov

Brasov is an ideal destination Romania for groups that want to enjoy an authentic part of Transylvania, where nature and history blend in an incredible scenario.

Incentive Trip Brasov

Brasov is an ideal destination Romania for groups that want to enjoy an authentic part of Transylvania, where nature and history blend in an incredible scenario.

de 10 personas

Precio en demanda

Incentive Trip Carpathian Mountains

A remote and quiet place, although full of incredible sights and unbelievable stories, Transylvania is the perfect region for your next incentive trip.

Incentive Trip Carpathian Mountains

A remote and quiet place, although full of incredible sights and unbelievable stories, Transylvania is the perfect region for your next incentive trip.

de 10 personas

Precio en demanda

Incentive Trip Dracula

On the path of Dracula - A spectacular incentive trip organized through the places where the renown Romanian ruler lived.

Incentive Trip Dracula

On the path of Dracula - A spectacular incentive trip organized through the places where the renown Romanian ruler lived.

de 10 personas

Precio en demanda

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